EndoTech has revolutionized trading for many in the crypto space. While algorithms aren’t perfect, many of users have seen outstanding results with our help.
Here are just a few reviews from actual users.
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“Endotech is rare. You can see the people who run it. It’s not one of those things that you can never find out if it’s real. I even connected with the CEO on LinkedIn. lol “
“Results are up and down. Nice to see the ups. always worry about the down. but its not a guarantee. happy to have the technology to help me trade these markets.”
“I don’t know what’s behind that AI is but it works great.”
“The bots trade better than I do. I try to make the same trades but they get in and out smarter than i do. I leave too much on the table. “
“I did the leveraged one. I nearly lost my money in a drawdown, but am really happy I stayed in it. I’m up hundreds of percent!”
“No one reads reviews so i think i can say anything but i’m saying that this is a crypto solution that works for me. I’ve only ever had one other bot solution that works. the rest have been hot then cold. so really happy that i found this one. if you are reading this. then you should try this one.”
“I tried to connect my FTX and there was an issue. Got my Binance wallet connected so all good now.”
“Not sure if you have done bot trading before but this is not signals. This Endo is really automated trading. You set it up and it trades so you have to come back and see your account what was traded. You dont have to. But if you want to you wont know that its in position or not unless you go into the account.”
“I have the ETH Alpha strategy and its doing really well!!”
Want to read more reviews from verified users? Check out our profile on Trustpilot or Capterra by clicking the links below.
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